China wants to restore the sea with high-tech marine ranches

A short ferry ride from the port city of Yantai, on the northeast coast of China, sits Genghai No. 1, a 12,000-metric-ton ring of oil-rig-style steel platforms, advertised as a hotel and entertainment complex. On arrival, visitors step onto docks and climb up to reach a strange offshore facility—half cruise ship, half high-tech laboratory, all laid…

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Intel’s wins, fails, and WTF moments of 2024

The good news for Intel? 2024’s almost over. Our collection of the highs and lows of Intel’s 2024 will have you reaching for the brandy. They weren’t good. I mean, aside from some of Intel’s mobile chips, what exactly did it do right? Let’s put it this way: when your ex-CEO prays for your company…

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In 2024, Apple’s hits were misses and its misses were hits

Macworld Where I grew up, you’d often hear the phrase, “Don’t get your hopes up!” Not in any kind of discouraging, Dickensian sense, I hasten to add. Merely a friendly warning that high expectations often lead to disappointment. We’re a cynical bunch in the British midlands. But Apple’s upper management come from more sunnily optimistic…

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Ads? I haven’t seen ‘em in years, thanks to this hack

TL;DR: Get a lifetime subscription to AdGuard’s Family Plan that works on nine devices for $15.97 (88% off). Ads are the internet equivalent of mosquitos at a summer picnic. They’re annoying, follow you everywhere, and they literally suck. Pop-ups that try to get under your cursor, banners that block half your screen, and those unskippable…

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AI can make sure you always have fresh herbs

Macworld How are your houseplants doing? Taking care of a plant might seem easy when you first take one home. Pop the pot in the sun, add water, and watch it grow. Right? The brown tips and wilting leaves seem to say differently. All plants have different needs, and they can even get sick. It’s…

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Everyone looks like a pro designer when they have Visio

TL;DR: Use Visio to turn complex data into approachable visuals. A lifetime license is only $19.97 (reg. $249) until January 12 at 11:59 p.m. PT.  Diagrams don’t have to be daunting, even if you aren’t a design pro. With Visio Professional 2021, Microsoft gives you an all-in-one tool for turning complex ideas into clear visuals…

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Finally! An affordable 2TB cloud storage offer.

Macworld Ok, we’ve been waiting for an affordable cloud storage offer that also gives us ample room for our important files, including the incredible amount of videos of our pets. When it comes to cloud storage, FileJump is the Goldilocks of cloud solutions—not too pricey, not too basic, but just right. Offering 2TB of secure,…

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For $16, you can be done with ads forever

Macworld Have you noticed that you’re getting an influx of ads while watching YouTube or reading online?  If you’re tired of wasting time waiting for or clicking out of ads, you can banish them for good, all while protecting your devices and information, with the AdGuard Family Plan. It lets you secure up to nine…

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